Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Does photo shop make pictures look better even if the picture was taken with a cheap camera?

Query by 15 Year Old Guru: Does photo store make photographs look much better even if the image was taken with a cheap digital camera?
I have some photos that I want to appear skilled but,I was questioning if I could use photo store to make them

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Monday, January 30, 2012

What size photos should I use when putting together a portfolio to showcase my work?

Question by : What dimension pictures need to I use when putting together a portfolio to showcase my work?
I am currently studying to turn into a floral designer and want to get a portfolio with each other to present when inquiring about long term

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

FORBIDDEN PHOTO!!! (1.29.10 - Day 274)

HEY! YOU! Yeah, YOU! Look what I can do! twitter.com twitter.com hot stuff shirts: bit.ly .
Video Rating: 4 /

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What free photo storage site will allow you to download your photos at full resolution?

Query by kellygirl12498: What cost-free photo storage site will enable you to download your photos at full resolution?
I comprehend there are several sites exactly where you can keep and share your images for free. I am hunting for a site that will

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

What are good cameras for photography?

Question by Brianna.: What are good cameras for photography?
preferably less costly ones, but not poor good quality. I'm not the richest man or woman, but I would genuinely like to invest in a excellent camera for photography.


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Friday, January 27, 2012

Photo Shoot iJustine/Taryn Southern

So we're filming some stuff for the Philip DeFranco Demonstrate and a supa secret project for my buddy Tony, and I believed you'd like to mastur....view some behind the sceneness. MY Occupation IS SO Hard!
Video Rating: 4 /

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

5 Min Portrait - Portrait Photography Full Photo Shoot

froknowsphoto.com Adhere to along in the course of this portrait photo shoot. This is a full on Photography How To Tutorial with a 1st time model. I employed a Nikon D3s along with the Nikon 70-200 2.8 VR II and Nikon 300 two.8 AFs. Be sure to

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What digital photo camera makes the best videos?

Query by Euronesiangirl: What digital photograph camera tends to make the best movies?
Hi, I want to purchase a price range (below $ 200) digital picture camera and want to use it to make top quality movies too. The camera has to be in a position

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

How do memory cards work for transferring photos to a computer from a digital camera?

Question by : How do memory cards function for transferring photographs to a personal computer from a digital camera?
I would like to transfer some photographs from my digital camera to my computer. As I have mislaid the USB cable from my camera,I

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Monday, January 23, 2012

How do I get my photos used for book covers?

Question by cmezuk: How do I get my photographs employed for book addresses?
I am a skilled photographer and I have usually wanted to get into book design and style perform/obtaining my images used. I've witnessed alot of occasions the images are

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The Internet's Most Talented Photographer ep. 7

In this episode the challenge is a Henri Cartier Bresson quote Photographers/Contestants' sites: Charlie Atkinson 500px.com Michelle Cruz michellecruz.nu Max Delgado www.flickr.com Hessel Folkertsma www.misterfolkertsma.eu

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How do I put my photos and info on facebook for the public to see?

Question by Ellie Marieee :): How do I place my photos and info on facebook for the public to see?
Well let us just say you're not buddies with me on facebook so my profile is naturally private correct? But how come when I go on other's profile,

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Where can I take photography classes in the Denver area?

Query by nicolecd_zta: Exactly where can I take photography classes in the Denver region?
I am interested in persuing a profession in photography. I live just north of Denver, CO, and I would like to take classes in photography, photoshop, and so

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

How do people get their photos into magazines and calenders?

Query by AK: How do people get their photos into magazines and calenders?
Is a photographer employed by a magazine/photography business? Do people send in pictures to certain organizations? How are these photos picked?

Very best answer:
Answer by

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Can You Believe These Bad Paid-For Photos?

3 of Ellen's audience members brought along their outrageous old college photos to share throughout today's hilarious Terrible Paid-For Photos Dwell!
Video Rating: four /

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Where can I find a list of Colleges that have a Photography program?

Question by Katie: Wherever can I locate a checklist of Colleges that have a Photography program?
I am attempting to get a checklist of colleges that have a photography degree program, and I can not discover any. It doesn't matter what state. I have

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Friday, January 20, 2012

What does the work in photography have to consist?

Question by : What does the perform in photography have to consist?
Like what sort of photography and edits have to be utilised to set up which student is an a*, a, b or c?
What does the perform on the sheets have to consist of, how numerous

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

What is the best professional photography camera?

Question by anonymous: What is the best professional photography digital camera?
I want to go to school and research photography, but I want to create a portfolio very first. What are the ideal cameras? I would like to take scenic photographs, close

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How do you block only certain tagged photos of yourself from facebook but not others?

Question by : How do you block only specific tagged photos of your self from facebook but not other folks?
If I want to block SOME tagged pictures from some of my friends but I still want them to see the rest of my photos. How do I do this? I tried

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Can you make Passport Style Photos off your digital camera card?

Question by Randy N: Can you make Passport Design Photos off your digital digital camera card?
Hopefully someone can solution this question. I would like to make Passport design photographs off my digital camera card. Is that doable? I ask simply

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Beginner Photoshop Tutorial: 5 Easy Photo Effects

Retouch your photographs with these 5 effortless photo effects! These Photoshop tutorials will show you how to develop some of the most common photo effects employing professional non-destructive editing tactics. You'll need Photoshop CS4 or

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How to enlarge a photo of low resolution to a bigger size?

Question by Binoy Krishna M: How to enlarge a photo of low resolution to a larger size?
The problem is that - as well much noise or grain come when to enlarge a photo of low resolution to a greater dimension. How to do it with out degrading the

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Monday, January 16, 2012

How do you make your photos be saved as a document instead of image when right clicked and saved?

Question by m :): How do you make your pictures be saved as a document instead of picture when correct clicked and saved?
I saw on some people's blogs when you correct click and conserve their photo, it will be saved as a document kind rather of an

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

New 9/11 Photos Released

New images of the 9/11 attacks, taken by a NYPD helicopter, pilot have been recently released. Russ Mitchell spoke with the retired officer, who was a single of the first on the scene that day.
Video Rating: 4 /

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Saturday, January 14, 2012

How do I get old photos onto the computer without having to scan each one in?

Query by : How do I get old pictures onto the computer without having having to scan each and every one in?
My mom has 1000's of old photographs that she'd like to upload online. We were also capable to find most of the negatives. If we took the

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How many photos would a 2gb memory card hold if the camera has 14MP?

Query by grprettyangel: How several photos would a 2gb memory card hold if the camera has 14MP?
I'm planning to buy an Olympus digital camera that is 14 megapixels. I was questioning how many photos would a 2gb memory card hold?


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Friday, January 13, 2012

How do I get regular photos from my didgital camera from a photo shop?

Question by robert s: How do I get typical images from my didgital camera from a photo store?
I am new to digital cameras and I know they dont have film but do i just take my camera to them and they get my photographs to be created?


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5 Min Portrait - Digital Photography Off Camera Flash Tutorial

froknowsphoto.com In the continuing five minute portrait series it was time to perform on some Off Camera flash using the Nikon Speed Light system with CLS. I asked my very good friend Richie who is an off camera flash master in my mind to aid

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How do I upload a photo to an existing album on Facebook?

Question by : How do I upload a photo to an existing album on Facebook?
I want to upload photos into existing albums but every time I upload a photo onto Facebook, it asks me to create the name of a new album. What should I do?


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Thursday, January 12, 2012

How do you showcase your photography work?

Query by Girliepie: How do you showcase your photography function?
How do you showcase your photography perform to new clientele and possible employers? Has anybody utilized Flickr or Picasa, or is that tacky? Do you think a web site is the greater

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How can you upload a photo as your avatar?

Query by .: How can you upload a photo as your avatar?
I have this super cute photo of my cat in a basket and I actually want to use it as my avatar. I tried uploading it on yahoo 306 but it says "Page not found" I re sized the photo to be

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There's Something Wrong with These Photos!

Ellen identified an additional hilarious batch of photos that just aren't proper! No matter whether it really is children carrying out some thing surprising or poorly planned goods -- they're just incorrect!
Video Rating: 4 /

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How do I organize my photos in photo gallery in windows vista?

Question by pappy: How do I organize my pictures in photo gallery in windows vista?
When downloading my images from my camera or cd, they seem to just go randomly in the gallery, but then it is extremely hard to locate.It doesnt usually give me the

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How do you convert actual size in high resolution photo?

Question by Mister Zee: How do you convert actual dimension in substantial resolution photo?
For illustration: You download a high resolution photo. You would like to determine how tall a person is in that photo. If you measure the height of the man

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Monday, January 9, 2012

How can I start my career in Professional Photography?

Query by Evan's mommy is Preston's mom as well now!: How can I start off my profession in Professional Photography?
How can I begin my profession in Professional Photography?
My husband and I have been wanting to start off a enterprise in the

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What do I need to start up a photography studio business?

Question by noname.: What do I need to have to start up a photography studio organization?
I want to start off my own photography business, but I particularly want to do portrait photography..
How do I start it?
How do I get into it?
What do I want

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Sunday, January 8, 2012

How do I take multiple photos after another without pressing the camera button?

Query by : How do I take various photos right after one more without pressing the camera button?
I need to have to make a quit movement video for school, So what I fundamentally wanted to know was, How do I take numerous photos a single right after

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What happened to the photos that I emailed to myself at my yahoo email address?

Query by Santa!: What occurred to the photographs that I emailed to myself at my yahoo email deal with?
I cut and paste some photos from web sites (not attachments) onto some emails which I emailed to myself. I can still see some of them. Even so,

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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Vivian Maier, street photographer and nanny

Jay Shefsky for the Chicago Tonight show at WTTW in Chicago tells the story of Vivian Maier www.wttw.com
Video Rating: four /

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Friday, January 6, 2012

What is a good camera to use for photography?

Query by : What is a very good digital camera to use for photography?
I would really like to commence taking photographs of nature. I have in no way carried out photography however and i have no information of cameras. What is a wonderful camera to

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What is an average salary for an owned photography business?

Question by TTC child #one

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Thursday, January 5, 2012

How do you make photos private to individuals, on facebook?

Question by : How do you make images private to people, on facebook?
There are some photos I don't want specific buddies on facebook to see. So how do I alter the settings so that I can block particular images from selected people?


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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How to recover deleted photos from card for free?

Query by : How to recover deleted images from card for free of charge?
I not too long ago deleted some photographs from my camera card. I downloaded a program in order to recover them, the system recovered them but following that I cant preserve

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How do I change a photo to black and white with no gray in it?

Question by xoxosid: How do I alter a photo to black and white with no gray in it?
It has to be a black and white photo with no gray due to the fact I am going to be producing shirts with the photo for my art class. Anybody know how to do

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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How to take good photos of people outside in the middle of the day?

Query by m-jammer: How to take excellent pictures of folks outside in the middle of the day?
I've been asked to take pictures of golf foursomes, outdoors (on the course) in the middle of the day as they get ready to tee off. The groups will be

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The Internet's Most Talented Photographer ep. 8

This is the penultimate display - who will reach the final? Judges: Mark Chung Graham Uden Carsten Schael David Paul Morris Photographers/Contestants' internet sites: Charlie Atkinson 500px.com Michelle Cruz michellecruz.nu Max Delgado

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What is some good affordable photo editing software that will not cost me a fortune?

Query by Cristina A: What is some very good cost-effective photo editing software program that will not cost me a fortune?
What photo editing computer software is good and inexpensive? I have noticed Photo Shop but it price a great deal. Is there

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

How can i make a new photo album on myspace and transfer photos without uploading them again?

Query by xemeleax: How can i make a new photo album on myspace and transfer photos without uploading them again?
I have photos on myspace but they are all in the a single album and i want to separate them. Is there a way i can do this with out

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How to take amazing photos in the snow

View the pictures at www.flickr.com Everybody really like to take images in the snow. Even the most daily locations search wonderful with a light coating of soft white snow. In this video professional photographer Gavin Hoey www.gavtrain.com

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How do I delete photos that were accidentally uploaded to my facebook site?

Question by : How do I delete photos that had been accidentally uploaded to my facebook internet site?
I had images to upload and when I uploaded mine, all friends' photos also uploaded. I want to delete them.

Very best answer:
Solution by Cannot

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