Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What is the best photography camera going?

Question by lost: What is the best photography camera going?
I need to have one for my photography class. At the moment I have a pink colored sony camera, and it blurrs extremely very easily (not great in the dark), and I want a skilled, long

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What type of photography backdrop is used for different types of photography?

Question by stuford21: What type of photography backdrop is employed for various kinds of photography?
What kind of photography backdrop is utilized for different varieties of photography?

I use a white background for my higher crucial shots of

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How do i burn photos on a cd/dvd which already contains photos with Nero start smart?

Question by m niv: How do i burn pictures on a cd/dvd which previously contains pictures with Nero commence intelligent?
i currently burned few photos on to my DVD employing Nero commence sensible, now wanna add few much more to it, there is totally

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Time of my Life

17 many years worth of taking 2 photographs a day as my head rotates in sync with the Earth close to the Sun. This is a non-dejittered, lo-res, hugely compressed, preliminary edition of a lifetime project. Later on versions will have further

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How do I put photos on my ipod without deleting other photos?

Question by Ben S: How do I place photos on my ipod with no deleting other photos?
I synced photos from a single pc, and now I want to sync from yet another personal computer with out deleting or overwriting something on my ipod. Is this

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

How do I download a photo editor so i can stretch my face and what not ?

Query by jennybenny12: How do I download a photo editor so i can stretch my face and what not ?
okay, so i dont have an apple pc, but i nevertheless want a photo editor to stretch my face and stuff. i think its cool :D any downloadable photo editor

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Nigel Barker: How To Take Wedding Photos - Wedding Photography Tips and Tricks ► Nigel Barker: How To Take Wedding Photographs - Wedding Photography Suggestions and Tricks Weddings are total of magical moments and every single bride and groom hopes their photographer will capture them on film. Employing different

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What do you suggest about taking photos of jet fighters and airplanes with a digital camera?

Question by Cincy G: What do you suggest about taking photos of jet fighters and airplanes with a digital camera?
I am going to take photos at an upcoming airshow. I will be using a nikon 18-200mm VR lens.
Do you have any suggestions or tips for

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What are the requirements for a Pratt photo portfolio?

Query by Red Schomburg: What are the needs for a Pratt photo portfolio?
I'm preparing on applying to the Pratt Institute as a direct-entry photo major, but I'm unclear about if they demand drawings from meant photo majors or will let pure photo

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

How do you upload photos into an existing album on facebook?

Query by Kandice: How do you upload images into an existing album on facebook?
I cant figure it out, people say go to the album and click upload much more images but i dont see that, i see upload photographs but that can make you generate a new

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Friday, November 25, 2011

What's the difference between Applied photography and Digital photography?

Query by Summer: What's the big difference amongst Applied photography and Digital photography?
I am going to attend the art institute in Hollywood California , for photography and I need to know which main I must take.

Very best

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I have a Nikon S210, How do I transfer the photos from the camera to memory card?

Question by skipper_danny269: I have a Nikon S210, How do I transfer the photographs from the camera to memory card?
I have a Nikon S210 and I have photographs the two in the camera memory and a memory card. When the card is in the camera I could

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

How do you post a photo from photobucket below your myspace picture?

Query by k: How do you post a photo from photobucket under your myspace image?
In your myspace photo album, you can post a photo in which you put your caption. How do you do that utilizing photobucket?

Very best answer:
Solution by

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How can I transfer photos from my digital camera to the memory card?

Query by Natty Glo: How can I transfer photos from my digital camera to the memory card?
I forgot to insert the memory card into the camera and took some photos. I connected my Digital Camera to the computer with the USB cable but, I cannot transfer

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What free photo presentation tool would you recommend for my website?

Question by Pyebwa: What cost-free photo presentation tool would you advise for my website?
I would like to make a photo gallery for my website just to show some photographs, but can't make a decision on what to do. I want one particular that

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Pro Photographer, Cheap Camera (#5 Graham Uden)

In this video, we meet up with British-born pro photographer Graham Uden, who has photographed the Afghanistan and Iraq wars and is now primarily based in Hong Kong. He's no stranger to high-octane action, but what occurs when we set him up

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What photo editing program can I use to cut and morph pics together?

Query by kyry3: What photo editing plan can I use to cut and morph pics collectively?
I need to have a totally free program that I can cut some thing from 1 photo and add it to an additional more than whats in that second photo. I dont need to have

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What is a good presentation for a Photography portfolio that is being sent to a University?

Query by Emma: What is a good presentation for a Photography portfolio that is getting sent to a University?
I am applying to university in the fall, and I require some very good suggestions to showcase my photography with no getting...


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Monday, November 21, 2011

What are the basics of photo-shoots and photo editing?

Question by Ms Pineapple: What are the basics of photo-shoots and photo editing?
I am a graphic designer, I just graduated with my BFA. I just got a task where I am going to be performing photo-shoots, and photo editing. (I will be taking pictures

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The Photoshop Effect

The Photoshop Impact Video - diet Sarah from diet investigates celebrity Photoshop makeover. Discover the truth behind adobe Photoshop and photo retouch. Weight loss controversy and celebrity secrets, what is true? What is

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

What type of science would photography be?

Question by Gattu9005: What kind of science would photography be?
I have to identify what type of science is photography My project consists of experimenting with the angles, shadows, and position of my camera to receive different shadows, effects,

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Golden Hour: EP 203: Digital Photography 1 on 1

This week Mark exhibits you how to improve your photography by shooting throughout the "golden hour". Also view the bloopers at the end of the video to see Mark pull a cactus out of his leg. Ouch!
Video Rating: 4 /

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Can anyone help me with ideas for photo exhibit on women's alienation from society?

Question by Chelly: Can anyone support me with ideas for photo exhibit on women's alienation from society?
I have to make a photo exhibit for my honors english class on the principal theme of the book "Surfacing" by Margaret Atwood, which is women's

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

More Never-Before-Seen Photos of Ellen

As far as photos of Ellen are concerned, a image of her could be really worth 00! Ellen's been asking you to send in any old photos of her that you have. Check out the newest ones she's been sent right

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How do you delete a photo in your photos place in your yahoo account?

Question by Cute Pickachu: How do you delete a photo in your photos spot in your yahoo account?
I feel that I know how to delete a photo. I just don't see the delete button.

Ideal solution:
Solution by bangoThe Detail view of the photo would have

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What is a good photo editor to get rid of blemishes in your photos?

Query by candy: What is a excellent photo editor to get rid of blemishes in your images?
What is a great photo editor to get rid of blemishes in your photos?
What is a very good photo editor to get rid of blemishes in your photographs? Also, it

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How do you take photos with a completely white background?

Query by curious: How do you take pictures with a completely white background?
Im going to be promoting some purses on ebay and I want the images to search crisp and have no distractions from the bags.So how would I take that sort of

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Monday, November 14, 2011

How do I transfer photos from my old phone to my new one?

Query by Taylor C: How do I transfer photos from my old mobile phone to my new one?
I use to have a NV3 and just got a Cosmos touch right now. My NV3 is currently deactivated but I really want my photos from my old telephone onto my new one. Some of

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How do i find out if my photo is 1600 pixels wide?

Query by aj: How do i locate out if my photo is 1600 pixels wide?
I have a truly amazing photo that i took with my mobile phone. My cellphone is basically half phone half camera. Its eight mega pixels, a lot more than any other camera phone. Im

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Master iPhone Photography with Hipstamatic Tips!

AppJudgment #333: Examine out our playlist of other amazing iPhone photo apps and ideas: Doc Pop of Sincerely Inc. walks us by way of his favored iPhone photo tips and tricks. Use these approaches to get the most

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Friday, November 11, 2011

How would I email photos from my digital camera to someone, an easy way to email these photos?

Query by nrm_salas: How would I e-mail pictures from my digital camera to a person, an simple way to email these images?
I would like to know what is an straightforward way to email images from my digital camera to an email address?


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Elvis Presley My Way Death Photos Autopsy Funeral

Elvis Presley My Way with death funeral autopsy crypt photographs. Elvis death video.
Video Rating: 4 /

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

How big should a digital photo be when sending it through email?

Query by luvmusic22: How massive should a digital photo be when sending it through email?
I'm performing a photo contest and having issues with it. Had been obtaining individuals send in their images through e mail, but not certain how big the mega

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How do I get my photo albums back on my Facebook profile page?

Question by Aurelien: How do I get my photo albums back on my Facebook profile page?
I deleted the box with my photo albums and now I can't appear to place them back on my profile page, identical for my videos! Folks can see the albums when they go

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Michael Jackson Autopsy Photos Leaked? COMMENTARY

Rather of searching for the images, I will just post a random singer on Youtube who deserves the audience that this video is obtaining. So whoever you are Mario, here you go:
Video Rating: 1 /

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How do I transfer photos sent to my email to Pisca or HP Photo Center?

Question by Dr. Jerry: How do I transfer pictures sent to my e mail to Pisca or HP Photo Center?
I have fairly a handful of images sent to my email tackle from cell phones. I require to enlarge them with no blurring and edit as needed. Some have to

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Monday, November 7, 2011

How do I add a photo of my avatar to a job application on Second Life?

Question by JimbobHPCjUNKIE: How do I add a photo of my avatar to a work application on Second Life?
Okay, I'm new to second life and have just been offered an application for a modeling work, but it asks for my avatar's photo. How do I add the

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

What is the best photo paper to use for a Canon photo printer?

Query by jumby75: What is the finest photo paper to use for a Canon photo printer?
I have a Canon Pixma MX860 and would like to start printing some photos. I have been informed that I must use Canon photo paper, but they have numerous

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

How do you delete a photo from facebook?

Question by KissyBear: How do you delete a photo from facebook?
I know how to delete a photo from an album on facebook but not a photo that is not in an album.

Best answer:
Answer by Stephanie Laura ButvinI am an avid Facebook fan. I guess here's

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[Real 2PM] Jun. K's "Alive" Photo Shooting

Jun. K's "Alive" Photo Shooting

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Friday, November 4, 2011

How can you upload photos from a samsung camera when there is no memory card?

Question by cordeliasheart: How can you upload images from a samsung camera when there is no memory card?
I took some images with my Samsung camera and the memory card wasn't in. I can view the photos but there is no usb port to upload to my laptop

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

How do I know if something is photo safe?

Query by DiNoto: How do I know if a thing is photo secure?
How do I know if a thing is photo secure?
Is it protected to store photos in envelopes (typical envelopes, the brown clasp envelopes, and so on.)
How do I know what is protected to store

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Weekend Photo Section - Photography Critique There are a lot of pictures that get submitted each and every week to the weekend photo section and I thought it would be really worth whilst to choose a number of for a critique. I think it will be helpful to to point out a

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How do you customize a photo on myspace, but keep the comments that are already on it?

Query by shmidget: How do you customize a photo on myspace, but retain the comments that are currently on it?
I uploaded some pictures to myspace, and men and women commented them. And now, I want to customize them, but when I do, it creates a

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Applications Of Photo Retouching

Photo Retouching Solutions are especially, used to convert an old photograph into a brand new one particular. The service is not only important for individual use but also play a pivotal role in commercial applications. All more than the planet,

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How can you upload photos on facebook through your cell phone?

Question by xoMonixox: How can you upload photographs on facebook by means of your cell mobile phone?
grr.i retain activating my telephone, and i attempt to find where u upload the photographs, and i cant find it! and i get the activation code, and

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Best Online Photo Development

Photo improvement is an important component of any particular occasion in your private or enterprise life. Your specific event can be captured in top quality pictures which will keep with you constantly. With the ease of internet you can do a lot

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Three Photos + one Texture = Triptych

Comply with me on Twitter: Facebook: Internet site: See the last image right here I constantly take pleasure in taking photographs of the autumn leaves, so in this tutorial I'll show

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